Awesome Summer Programs
Do you want you child to do something other than "screen" entertainment?
Are you looking for exciting activity to enrich you or your child's life?
Do you want to keep your child busy over the summer?
Do you want to help your child prepare to better handle school next year?
Do you want your child to be better physically fit and mentally aware?
Tiger Rock Martial Arts has the solution to all these questions and many more you may have for the summer and preparing for the next school year.
We want you to take advantage of this special opportunity while spaces are available.
We would like to personally invite you and your family to test drive our 2 month summer course. Fill out the info form and reserve your spot today!

8 Week Summer Program
Gear up for our most popular program of the year


Start mornings off with a bang at Tiger-Rock Martial Arts
Tiger Rock Martial Arts will kick-off mornings with a "bang" for your children during our camp week.
Each day of camp offers different topics we will develop for 3 hours each day - 3 days during the week. Nobody "sits on the bench" in our programs or camps. Everyone is involved and part of the action the whole time.
The Summer Camp Includes:
Martial Arts self-defense Training
Anti bullying techniques
Nunchuck (foam) Training
Snacks and Drinks
Agility Course Games and other FUN activities
Black Light Dodge Ball
Movie on the last day